Nine members of CAFA network, who are partners with the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED)  and the National Counter-Terrorism Committee, attended various workshops on the role of civil society in the processes of eliminating extremism. In July 2017, the Representative of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED), Mr. Edward J. Flynn, met with Dr. Abdelwahab Ben Hafaiedh to coordinate joint work in the field of community prevention and control. This collaboration among the member organizations of the Network falls within the various workshops for the year 2015 (CTED-ICCT-HSC) and 2017 (ICCT-CNLCT) on the theme of “Enhancing community commitment to the implementation of Security Council resolutions 1624 (2005) and 2178 (2014) and the Global Strategy to combat terrorism.” The Dutch and Danish experiences were at the core of the attention of CAFA member organizations, a training course aimed at educating Tunisian civil society actors on how to take responsibility for vulnerable groups who have been prone to violence and turn them into agents of security and stability.