More recently, a representative of the CAFA and ASSF was selected to participate in the IVLP program the Voices of Reason: Speaking against Da’esh in the USA. The event brought together 13 people from 9 MENA countries, namely Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. The purpose of the IVLP program was to strengthen the government practitioners’ and civil society actors’ capacities to design and conduct national dialogues, strategies and action plans on CVE, and to strengthen CVE efforts by local and municipal actors: support the role of civil society in CVE efforts, especially among youth, women and religious leaders: by promoting alternative narratives: the management of radicalization through the criminal justice sector; and through police and community engagement, diversion programs, and juvenile justice. Collaborative meetings brought together CAFA representative with Mr. Enrique Roig, who heads the Creative Associates International Portfolio in Citizen Security, which focuses on Central America, El Salvador, Honduras; the Caribbean-Guyana, Saint Kitts, Saint Lucia; and in MENA-Tunisia.