Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs 2019-09-29T20:26:19+03:00

A training manual on resolving hate conflicts.

A training manual on resolving hate conflicts Social cohesion aims to assess the capacities of local communities and transform them through reaching the application and dissemination of an appropriate model conducive to developmental and [...]

Le discours de haine menant à l’extrémisme violent

Le discours de haine menant à l'extrémisme violent Le monde d’aujourd’hui est dangereux. Un peu partout, de partout des tensions communautaires, des conflits confessionnels, du terrorisme global, et, pour couronner le tout, une crise [...]

Where to now for Primary Education in Tunisia ?

Where to now for Primary Education in Tunisia ? This paper aims to shed light on the reality of primary education in post-revolutionary Tunisia at a time when much importance has been given to [...]